Monday, October 14, 2024

On Quantum Realities, Parallel Universes, Alternate Facts, And MTG's Hurricane-Controlling "They"s - IMRAN™

 On Quantum Realities, Parallel Universes, Alternate Facts, And MTG's Hurricane-Controlling "They"s - IMRAN™

Oh great. After the chaotic 2016-2020 period of alternate-facts (actual lies), crowd sizes, real fake-news presented as truths, and misinformation becoming the norm, here's something crazy-exciting for scientists which I am sure will give real-crazy conspiracy-theorists (who never touched a book on real theory of science) so much more to be fed by the enemy-funded QAnons of the world. Phew, that was one long sentence. 

**Physicists reveal nonlinear transport induced by quantum geometry in planar alter-magnets** according to an article in . 

It is quite easy to understand... "Recently, two experiments have confirmed the predicted role of quantum geometry in the second-order response of the conventional PT-symmetric anti-ferromagnets. In these materials, due to the combination of parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetries, the Berry curvature (the imaginary component of quantum geometric tensor) vanishes, and it is shown that the second-order response is governed by the quantum metric (the real component of quantum geometric tensor)." 

Just kidding about it being easy to understand. But honestly it is fascinating stuff to geek out on from both logic, science, physics and engineering implications, and so many other angles.

Basically, if two entangled photons in an indeterminate state are measured by someone in a room -- but only 'observed' by someone outside the room -- the photon measured in the room will change to take on one particular state, ... but to the outside observer it will still appear to be in the indeterminate state as it was previously. 

As an analogy I am using just to get a better layperson handle on it myself.... Let's say I am in the room with two twins walking around one chair. If I "measure" one he will sit down in the chair.... But if YOU are just "watching" from outside the room through a window,  you will still see HIM, that same twin I saw SIT down, still appear to be walking around the chair with the other twin. That means the one twin would be existing in two "realities". 

Obviously, this is MY initial analogy at first reading of the article at 1 AM on Monday after dealing with two hurricanes in two weeks. So, I am sure it can be explained much better. Love to have someone smarter about quantum mechanics add more analogies in reply comments.

But next time, when there are two hurricanes, can we please make sure I can be in the reality where neither of them "sits" or lands anywhere near me or my family and our homes?

Maybe modern day non-Einstein and anti-magnetic personality Marjorie Taylor Greene can ensure it -- when her imaginary "they" control the weather to create future hurricanes. LOL

© 2024 IMRAN™

#IMRAN #science #Physics #technology #reality #quantum #QuantumPhysics #QuantumMechanics #ParallelUniverse #entanglement #humor #politics #facts #hurricanes #weather #scientists

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dock, Dog, Drone & My Bald Spot Now Visible From Outer Space - IMRAN™

Dock, Dog, Drone & My Bald Spot Now Visible From Outer Space - IMRAN™

My bald spot is now the size of a continent, and visible from space. Well, at least from a drone circling overhead. 

Who sent it? CIA? NSA? NASA? I don't see any remote control anywhere near me. Do you? :-)

© 2024 IMRAN™

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Stunning Pure Shocking Pink Sky Perfect Seaside Place - IMRAN™

Stunning Pure Shocking Pink Sky Perfect Seaside Place - IMRAN™

Believe me, you will see more shades of stunning shocking pink seaside skies in this 30-second time-lapse video than you could catch in a lipstick manufacturer's catalog.

Even the sunset was stunning, but the dusk skies are mind-blowing. Also watch the cruise ship zip by and Tampa International Airport (TPA) traffic zooming by.

Recorded on July 31, 2024 at my blessed home on Tampa Bay, Florida with a Nikon D850, shared from Apple Final Cut Pro. Play with music and be blown away! Like, love, comment, share! Thank you.

© 2024 IMRAN™

Monday, July 29, 2024

Ten Turns (Around The Sun) Today, Stunning Sunset Tampa Bay Florida End July 2014 - IMRAN™

 Ten Turns (Around The Sun) Today, Stunning Sunset Tampa Bay Florida End July 2014 - IMRAN™

Nikon D300 handheld photo end July 2014, a decade ago. Stunning sunset ten loops around the sun today.

© 2014-2024 IMRAN™

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Kennedy Watched For Dolphins Nearby As K2 Went For A Swim In Tampa Bay Waters Mid-October 2020 - IMRAN™

Kennedy Watched For Dolphins Nearby As K2 Went For A Swim In Tampa Bay Waters Mid-October 2020 - IMRAN™

I brought both my dogs to my neighborhood beach on the very first day I got them. Kennedy, a 4-5-year-old rescued German Shepherd in February 2019, was intrigued but did not fall in love with the water until later. K2, a 2-month-old German Shepherd puppy, came to this beach spot in April 2020, and I recorded the cutest video of his first time going in the water that day.
This was recorded exactly six months later, on October 15, 2020, during the pandemic era. K2 was growing fast and went for a swim. Kennedy was excitedly watching for the dolphins that had passed us a minute earlier.
In the second video, he too goes for a swim but is more interested in the dolphins than in swimming. Later on, multiple daily wades in Tampa Bay became Kennedy’s routine, while K2 only did regular swims in the swimming pool at home or in the bay if I tossed something for him to fetch.

© 2020-2024 IMRAN™

Wit, Wisdom, Wordplay - Moscow Mitch Being A Li’l B!tch! - IMRAN™

Wit, Wisdom, Wordplay - Moscow Mitch Being A Li’l B!tch! - IMRAN™

If an evil, traitorous, misogynist, enemy of democracy, like Moscow Mitch McConnell does not want a woman moderator for a debate, maybe he could be given one from the Paris Olympics 'feast' performers - or just a great transgender American moderator. 

That should teach this crooked, repulsive, enemy of America a lesson. (Meme & commentary from a few years ago but relevant to the attack on women's rights in USA caused by his stacking the courts with right wing extremists). 

© 2020-2024 IMRAN™

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Patriotic Republicans & Democrats MUST Unite To SAVE The Real UNITED States Of America - IMRAN™

Patriotic Republicans & Democrats MUST Unite To SAVE The Real UNITED States Of America - IMRAN™

Only the Democrats could have managed to turn a corrupt, incompetent, megalomaniac, felon, rapist, and buffoon like Trump into a strong contender to get back into the White House. Joe Biden carries the majority of the blame for that colossal failure, and becoming the "Genocide Joe" and "senile uncle" image that turned even his past voters against him.

Now that he has done the right thing by dropping out, I would not have rushed into giving Kamala Harris the candidacy. However, if that is what it has to be, I still hold a sliver of hope for this to be a truly historic opportunity for patriotic Americans to recreate and save truly UNITED States of America.

I do not belong to any political party. I vote based on issues. I never understood people putting parties, or even worse, personalities and false messiahs above country.
But if true patriots (not the flag waving bible thumping hypocrites who support a rap!st/tr@itor) want to really save democracy, then real Republicans AND ALL Democrats have to create a unified ticket.

If Kamala Harris is the Democrat Presidential candidate, then we need a Republican as a VP candidate with her. I think Adam Kinzinger as VP would make for a truly unifying ticket.

The chance of that happening may be 0.0001%. But, In My Humble Opinion, that is how we must unite to save USA from becoming an English speaking Afghanistan in a few years. What do you think?

© 2024 IMRAN™

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Setting Fire To The Rain - IMRAN™

Setting Fire To The Rain - IMRAN™
There were weather systems on the flight from Long Island, New York, to Tampa Bay, Florida, tonight. Instead of flying south along the eastern seaboard of the United States with views of the Atlantic Ocean coastline, we had to detour around a few areas. Flying into the sun heading out to the Gulf of Mexico, right past sunset over Carter’s Lake in Georgia, south of Chattanooga, Tennessee, the sunlight seemed to set the clouds on fire above — with cool darkness falling below this evening. 

© 2024 IMRAN™ 

#IMRAN #flying #aviation #clouds #travel #Georgia #sunset #sunlight #nature #weather #piloting #TravelPics #SouthwestAirlines 

Monday, July 08, 2024

Setting Fire To The Rain - IMRAN™


Setting Fire To The Rain - IMRAN™
There were weather systems on the flight from Long Island, New York, to Tampa Bay, Florida, tonight. Instead of flying south along the eastern seaboard of the United States with views of the Atlantic Ocean coastline, we had to detour around a few areas. Flying into the sun heading out to the Gulf of Mexico, right past sunset over Carter’s Lake in Georgia, south of Chattanooga, Tennessee, the sunlight seemed to set the clouds on fire above — with cool darkness falling below this evening. 

© 2024 IMRAN™ 

#IMRAN #flying #aviation #clouds #travel #Georgia #sunset #sunlight #nature #weather #piloting #TravelPics #SouthwestAirlines 

Friday, July 05, 2024

Get Your Tin Foil Hats Ready! "I Can Read Your Mind" Becoming Reality - IMRAN™

Get Your Tin Foil Hats Ready! "I Can Read Your Mind" Becoming Reality - IMRAN™ Get Your Tin Foil Hats Ready! "I Can Read Your Mind" Becoming Reality - IMRAN™
Talk about mind-reading. Scientists have made an exciting discovery by mapping how our brains understand the meanings of words. This new map shows that our brains use similar categories to classify words, which helps us make sense of language.
The study, focused on English words, is a step towards understanding how our brains store language. By mapping brain cells’ responses to words, we can start building a “thesaurus of meaning.”  
Published in Nature, the research highlights how the auditory cortex processes word sounds, while the prefrontal cortex deciphers their meanings. Previous studies used brain imaging to map word meanings, but a team of researchers recorded real-time neuron activity in epilepsy patients with implanted electrodes.
Participants listened to sentences, and the scientists tracked which neurons fired. They found that specific neurons responded to words in similar categories, like actions or people. Words with related meanings, such as “mouse” and “rat,” triggered similar neuronal patterns.
Interestingly, the prefrontal cortex neurons distinguished words by meaning, not sound. For example, “son” activated family-related neurons, but “Sun” did not, despite sounding the same. As someone who speaks English, Urdu, Punjabi, and is learning French, it would be fascinating to literally "see" how multi-lingual people's neurons operate. 
These researchers could partially determine what participants heard by observing neuron activity, identifying general themes like animals, actions, and food. This detailed understanding of single-neuron activity is crucial for developing brain-computer interfaces to restore speech. 
Of course, the great risk to our freedoms would come from Big Brother literally being able to read our minds and know our thoughts. Add in the great power of Artificial Intelligence overlaid on these bio-medical, medical-imaging, and bio-engineering breakthroughs and.... I know what you're thinking. 
Just Kidding... Or, am I ?  :-)

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© 2024 IMRAN™  

Photo Not Mine, see URL.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Where On Earth Am I? - IMRAN™ © 2024 IMRAN™Where On Earth Am I? - IMRAN™ © 2024 IMRAN™


Tampa Bay Residents Suffering From Florida Winter Weather - IMRAN™

Tampa Bay Residents Suffering From Florida Winter Weather - IMRAN™
This was the scene on a typical winter morning on Tampa Bay in February. I had not flown my DJI M3P drone in a while, and this seemed like the perfect day to do it. Notice the way we suffer such weather.... by going boating or to the beach, for example. 

© 2024 IMRAN™

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A (Fourth) Home (Music Studio) In My Musical Odyssey Over 40 Years! - IMRAN™ Despite lacking formal music education or innate talent, and possessing a singing voice notorious for its rapid crowd-dispersing ability, I once believed that an arsenal of synthesizers and gear could compensate for these shortcomings. This hypothesis, however, has remained unproven over four decades. My journey with MIDI began when I was recognized as Pakistan’s pioneer in electronic music by Jang News’ weekend magazine, with a cover story & interview, literally 40 years ago. That was at my first home-based music studio in Lahore. The Atari 520ST with a Casio HT3000 were my primary tools. Over the years, many musical creations were also lost when computers died, or the operating systems and music sequencers became obsolete. I still have some floppy disks from then, which I have to dig up—if I could make the time. My second home-based music studio was at my Columbia University off-campus apartment in Manhattan, New York. That was based on the Atari 1040ST & Mega ST4 with Dr. T’s KCS & Opcode’s OMS software, as well as a Yamaha YB200, and a Yamaha guitar. I still have those tools in NY after 35 years! Lack of time, too many interests, and procrastination have been my lifelong challenges. At some junctures in life, I have achieved some goals by having bursts of activity. One such flurry led to the impromptu recording of a music session at my third home-based music studio at my Long Island, New York residence. That culminated in the debut of my first album two decades ago. nTrance, that album, is available on Apple Music and Spotify (links in comments). Apple PowerBook laptops, Korg Karma, Casio VZ1M, Yamaha RB-01, Akai MPK synthesizers, Roland R5 drum machine, Behringer mixer, Opcode & iConnect interfaces, Mackie studio monitors, with Logic Studio (one of two gifts I cherish receiving from the late legend Steve Jobs) were the primary tools, which I still fire up sometimes. Yes, I still have all of those, including even the boxes for some of those! Since then, time has eluded me, preventing a repeat of such long bursts of creative endeavors. Over the years, I’ve composed numerous tracks, primarily as accompaniments to my 360x360 VR and nature & travel videos. The challenge now lies in transcending procrastination to pull them all together, do a real mixing project, and unveil the much-anticipated (at least by me!) second album. I am blessed to have my fourth home-based music studio at my blessed home on Tampa Bay, Florida—but even more lack of time, and no change in the lack of talent! Two MacBook Pros, a Microsoft Surface, Yamaha MODX8+ & MOXF8 synthesizers, ROLI Seaboard Rise 2 MPE, Akai MPK, plus Casio digital keyboards, Bose, Rode & Tascam audio, Yamaha MG20XU mixer & H8 studio monitors make up this one. Looking ahead, I joke about utilizing my latest musical gadgets to produce a third album within the next quarter-century. Jesting aside, life’s unpredictability reminds me that tomorrow is never guaranteed. I just have to do a better job overcoming procrastination, and I must make time despite my other responsibilities. Amidst the rise of AI-generated content, my aspiration is to share my authentic, human-crafted music, as flawed as it may be, preserving its significance in an era increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence creations. I appreciate your time spent reading this, and I’m grateful for your support in listening to and sharing my music with others. �© 2024 IMRAN™A (Fourth) Home (Music Studio) In My Musical Odyssey Over 40 Years! - IMRAN™ Despite lacking formal music education or innate talent, and possessing a singing voice notorious for its rapid crowd-dispersing ability, I once believed that an arsenal of synthesizers and gear could compensate for these shortcomings. This hypothesis, however, has remained unproven over four decades. My journey with MIDI began when I was recognized as Pakistan’s pioneer in electronic music by Jang News’ weekend magazine, with a cover story & interview, literally 40 years ago. That was at my first home-based music studio in Lahore. The Atari 520ST with a Casio HT3000 were my primary tools. Over the years, many musical creations were also lost when computers died, or the operating systems and music sequencers became obsolete. I still have some floppy disks from then, which I have to dig up—if I could make the time. My second home-based music studio was at my Columbia University off-campus apartment in Manhattan, New York. That was based on the Atari 1040ST & Mega ST4 with Dr. T’s KCS & Opcode’s OMS software, as well as a Yamaha YB200, and a Yamaha guitar. I still have those tools in NY after 35 years! Lack of time, too many interests, and procrastination have been my lifelong challenges. At some junctures in life, I have achieved some goals by having bursts of activity. One such flurry led to the impromptu recording of a music session at my third home-based music studio at my Long Island, New York residence. That culminated in the debut of my first album two decades ago. nTrance, that album, is available on Apple Music and Spotify (links in comments). Apple PowerBook laptops, Korg Karma, Casio VZ1M, Yamaha RB-01, Akai MPK synthesizers, Roland R5 drum machine, Behringer mixer, Opcode & iConnect interfaces, Mackie studio monitors, with Logic Studio (one of two gifts I cherish receiving from the late legend Steve Jobs) were the primary tools, which I still fire up sometimes. Yes, I still have all of those, including even the boxes for some of those! Since then, time has eluded me, preventing a repeat of such long bursts of creative endeavors. Over the years, I’ve composed numerous tracks, primarily as accompaniments to my 360x360 VR and nature & travel videos. The challenge now lies in transcending procrastination to pull them all together, do a real mixing project, and unveil the much-anticipated (at least by me!) second album. I am blessed to have my fourth home-based music studio at my blessed home on Tampa Bay, Florida—but even more lack of time, and no change in the lack of talent! Two MacBook Pros, a Microsoft Surface, Yamaha MODX8+ & MOXF8 synthesizers, ROLI Seaboard Rise 2 MPE, Akai MPK, plus Casio digital keyboards, Bose, Rode & Tascam audio, Yamaha MG20XU mixer & H8 studio monitors make up this one. Looking ahead, I joke about utilizing my latest musical gadgets to produce a third album within the next quarter-century. Jesting aside, life’s unpredictability reminds me that tomorrow is never guaranteed. I just have to do a better job overcoming procrastination, and I must make time despite my other responsibilities. Amidst the rise of AI-generated content, my aspiration is to share my authentic, human-crafted music, as flawed as it may be, preserving its significance in an era increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence creations. I appreciate your time spent reading this, and I’m grateful for your support in listening to and sharing my music with others. �© 2024 IMRAN™


Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Surreal Stunning Sunset Scene End June DJI Drone HDR - IMRAN™ This breathtaking sunset scene was captured by my DJI drone after it had landed. I took five photos, which were then merged to create this high dynamic range (HDR) image. The distant clouds and fiery sky are in sharp focus. Due to the windy conditions, the fast-moving clouds closer to me exhibit some ghosting from slight positional changes between the shots. However, the overall impact—even as a cropped JPG image—is quite incredible. © 2024 IMRAN™ #Florida #IMRAN #sunset #HDR #photography #photographoftheday #photooftheday #bestphoto #nature #cloud #seascape #drone DJI #TampaBay #ApolloBeachSurreal Stunning Sunset Scene End June DJI Drone HDR - IMRAN™ This breathtaking sunset scene was captured by my DJI drone after it had landed. I took five photos, which were then merged to create this high dynamic range (HDR) image. The distant clouds and fiery sky are in sharp focus. Due to the windy conditions, the fast-moving clouds closer to me exhibit some ghosting from slight positional changes between the shots. However, the overall impact—even as a cropped JPG image—is quite incredible. © 2024 IMRAN™ #Florida #IMRAN #sunset #HDR #photography #photographoftheday #photooftheday #bestphoto #nature #cloud #seascape #drone DJI #TampaBay #ApolloBeach


Oh, Baby, Dear (No Rain) Deer Outside NY Home - IMRAN™


Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Dog’s Life: Kennedy & His Love of Jet Ski Rides On Tampa Bay, Florida 5 Years Ago Today- IMRAN™


Hope Inspiring Resplendent Roses & Blossoms At Blessed Home Long Island, New York, Day Before My Birthday 2012 - IMRAN™ A dozen years ago before I penned these words in 2024, the rose bushes at my blessed home on Long Island, New York, were in full, glorious bloom. It was the early summer of 2012, the day before my 50th birthday. The tornadoes and droughts of total economic meltdown, brought on by the policies of Republican President George W. Bush which enriched the super-wealthy with one trillion dollars of tax cuts, had wreaked havoc on my life as on millions of ordinary individuals, families, and entire towns. The next few years were spent on surviving, recovering, and rebuilding. Even then it was a rocky road. By the time 2012 rolled in, after a labyrinthine journey of heart-sinking troughs, fleeting peaks, and unexpected drops into new valleys, life began to hint at a promising change ahead. I had to remind myself that life’s most exquisite blooms often come accompanied by the piercing thorns of reality. The key is to persistently tend to one’s garden of dreams, rooting it in unshakeable faith, nurturing it with the water of hope, showering it with the rain of love, fortifying it with the grains of gratitude, and ceaselessly illuminating it with the lights of confidence, and perseverance. No matter the adversities you face, remember, they are but temporary. You possess the strength to surmount them. Never let go of your dreams. Never relinquish your authentic self. Within you lies an indomitable spirit. You are capable of blooming despite the thorns. Are you ready to live the life you dream of? © 2012-2024 IMRAN™ #2012, #D300, #EastPatchogue, #flowers, #IMRAN, #Nature, #Nikon, #Patchogue, #nature, #summer, #green, #pink, #bokeh Nikon D300Hope Inspiring Resplendent Roses & Blossoms At Blessed Home Long Island, New York, Day Before My Birthday 2012 - IMRAN™ A dozen years ago before I penned these words in 2024, the rose bushes at my blessed home on Long Island, New York, were in full, glorious bloom. It was the early summer of 2012, the day before my 50th birthday. The tornadoes and droughts of total economic meltdown, brought on by the policies of Republican President George W. Bush which enriched the super-wealthy with one trillion dollars of tax cuts, had wreaked havoc on my life as on millions of ordinary individuals, families, and entire towns. The next few years were spent on surviving, recovering, and rebuilding. Even then it was a rocky road. By the time 2012 rolled in, after a labyrinthine journey of heart-sinking troughs, fleeting peaks, and unexpected drops into new valleys, life began to hint at a promising change ahead. I had to remind myself that life’s most exquisite blooms often come accompanied by the piercing thorns of reality. The key is to persistently tend to one’s garden of dreams, rooting it in unshakeable faith, nurturing it with the water of hope, showering it with the rain of love, fortifying it with the grains of gratitude, and ceaselessly illuminating it with the lights of confidence, and perseverance. No matter the adversities you face, remember, they are but temporary. You possess the strength to surmount them. Never let go of your dreams. Never relinquish your authentic self. Within you lies an indomitable spirit. You are capable of blooming despite the thorns. Are you ready to live the life you dream of? © 2012-2024 IMRAN™ #2012, #D300, #EastPatchogue, #flowers, #IMRAN, #Nature, #Nikon, #Patchogue, #nature, #summer, #green, #pink, #bokeh Nikon D300