Sunday, November 29, 2015


I recently saw a good post on Medium about a poster that author saw on the FaceBook campus… “Ruthless Prioritization”.

That is a great topic of extraordinary significance to me. I have countless ideas. I even get started on dozens.

Yet, my actual productivity, not just output, but effective productivity that gets things done, that brings goals closer to reality, can often be drowned in my desire to organize, prioritize and optimize my tools rather than in doing what needs to get done.

Cal it procrastination, call is avoidance, call it laziness, call it stupidity, but the end result is the same…

Dreams remain dreams, and things do not get done until months later, when I kick myself seeing how easily I could have done them way back when.

One simple rule I am still trying to teach myself is…. 

Prioritize DOING SOMETHING (Anything!) Over PRIORITIZING!!

It is too easy to become OCD about prioritizing types of things important to us, then prioritizing projects within those, then tasks within those.

I find the ONLY days I get ANYTHING done is when I pick up and DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and literally get on a roll of getting things done.

Otherwise, I have spent one-third of my productive life investigating and evaluating tools, one-third installing and optimizing them, and one-third prioritizing things in them… leaving a big fat 0.0% of my time to DO *anything* out of what I need to achieve. 

That is still one of the single biggest weaknesses I have…

One of these days I will prioritize my list of weaknesses, to see which ones to find and evaluate tools to overcome next. [wink].

What do you think? Do you have this problem? How do you overcome it?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Out Of This World Views On Religion, Space & Terrorism! - IMRAN™

Non-Muslims worry that the sons of swine members of #ISIS somehow represent all 1.5 Billion Muslims. If their actions make all Muslims #terrorists then the thousands of child rapes by countless Christian priests in Churches worldwide, including here in America, would mean all Christians are pedophile child rapists. Are they?

Keep in mind Muslims are united in believing only a few things. There's only One God (Allah in Arabic) that Adam, Nosh, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad brought the message of. They believe in Mohammad as the final prophet in that line. They believe in the day of judgement, heaven and hell. And they believe that the broken roads in their countries, the electricity power failures, their internal bribery driven corrupt cultures, and probably even solar flares are all due to a Zionist conspiracy.

Everything else that can be disagreed on, is disagreed on.

As most people living in #Pakistan know, we #Muslims can’t even sometimes agree which day our #Eid#holiday falls on, with greedy halvah-swallowing mullahs play with telescopes arguing about sighting of the new #moon, here on Earth, which only has one moon.

#God help us if we lived on #Saturn which has 62 moons orbiting it! Talk about #Religion making your head spin. We already have dozens, if not hundreds, of Muslim sects, condemning each other to hell for the way they stand in prayers, or the length of their pants/bottoms. Imagine a Muslim astronaut being told he's going to hell because his spacesuit shows or conceals his ankles the wrong way.

So, my fellow human beings and especially Christian or non-Muslim friends, the planet's Muslims are ISIS as much as you are a pedophile. Meaning, don’t go for the foaming at the mouth neo-con hate-mongers whose words of hate about Muslims would get them thrown out of their jobs if they said them about Jews or other groups. All of us, all decent people, of all religions are under threat of ISIS.

Is there an increased risk, even near certainty, of ISIS wolf packs and lone wolves killing innocent people in our countries? Yes, unfortunately, certainly there is. But even here in America our biggest killers remain handguns and drunk drivers way more than any terrorist groups. But no one wants to pay attention to or stop those killers.

If anything, the evil ISIS, AlQaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, have killed 100,000s more Muslims than they have barbarically and un-Islamically murdered non-Muslims. But 100,000 Muslims killed by terrorists in Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, etc. get 2 inches of newspaper space on Page 5.

When terrorists kill anywhere from 10-100 in a place like Paris, it becomes a global tragedy. That in itself plays right into the terrorists hands who will obviously want to carry out attacks that get news coverage.

Even worse are the media hypocrisy and dual standards of justice we show. When a non-Muslims murders 30 (thirty) people in an attack, he is an “alleged shooter”. If a so-called Muslim kills 3, repeat three, people, it is a massacre by a terrorists. The non-Muslim who kills 30 gets life in prison.  

The moron younger brother involved in the deaths of 3 people in the Boston Marathon was declared a terrorist who got the death penalty even in bleeding heart (hypocrite) liberal Massachusetts.

All this plays right into the hands of AlQaeda and ISIS as “proof the West hates Muslims” and gets them even more recruitment success. That puts us all at even greater risk of terror attacks here.

May my fellow Americans who are maligning all Muslims and Islam for the actions of ISIS wake up and smell the coffee of logic and facts. And, may these ISIS type terrorists be pelted with 62 Saturn sized spinning fireballs in Hell when they think they're getting 72 hot virgins to take for a spin. Amen x 72 x 62!

What do you think?

-- Typed on a cell phone screen, excuse any typos if you're a grammar fundamentalist.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

BUX: Apple's Falling Reliability & Incredibly Inconsistent UX On 2 Identical Brand New iPhone 6S+ - IMRAN™

The BUX Stops Here. Bad User Experiences are everywhere. I give examples, and name names, even of companies I love. 

The goal is to inform users of the problems that go on for years, to call attention of these companies to their lousy design or quality control choices, and to help UX designers and product managers improve both the customer experience and the quality of their loyal user's experience. 

Here is an example from a company I generally love, Apple. But I have been griping about the constantly falling reliability of the Apple user experience even from when Steve Jobs was still alive. It seemed like getting it out the door even at 90% reliability became acceptable instead of at least aiming for 99%. 

Under Tim Cook, and especially with the worst OS upgrade I have ever experienced from Apple with El Capitan, and parallel bug nightmares on iOS 9 show that it seems getting things out the door even at 80% is now acceptable at Apple.

The bug I am discussing today is a problem in November 2015, 3.5 years after similar problems have been discussed on Apple's own discussions forum in the past (2012 for example).

I have 2 BRAND NEW iPhone 6S+ 128GB phones, 100% identical in everything, including carrier and even color,... everything except for their device names. 

I even shot identical photographs with them (to use in 3D photos). I connected both devices to iPhoto. The first one's photos ALL came in without ANY problem. The second one's import into iPhoto fails over and over, and the iPhone even disappears from the app and has to be unplugged and replugged in for iPhoto/Mac (Image Capture included) to recognize the device again. 

Even Image Capture failed to import the images either all together or even one by one. I even switched to the cable the other phone's photos came over fine on. Nope. Everything failed. Emailing myself dozens of large image and video files was not an option as some discussions mention. 

I even turned Bluetooth off as others had found to work in past similar bugs. (That by the way is another reason I consider having to play such games of twisters to get things to work making the Mac user today sometimes seem like being a Windows user). 

I did manage to send the photos from the iPhone to the Mac over AirDrop and they ALL imported into iPhoto just fine. There were NO problems with ANY of the photos. Plugging the phone back into the Mac and iPhoto even correctly shows that the photos on the phone now already exist in iPhoto. Meaning the problem was NOT with the photos at all.

Yet the actual routine import of photos failed and the user experiences were smooth vs nightmare on two IDENTICAL devices bought literally the same week. That was the kind of thing you expected to happen with two lousy Windows PCs where they would act differently and inconsistently. But now it is a common Mac thing.

I have been an Apple user since the start of the platform but the more Windows-nightmare-experience-like it becomes the more I shake my head, and the more I can't stand when people think pointing out the falling reliability of the OS releases and apps UX to be some sort of Apple bashing.

I was able to workaround my problem this time, but the problem's root cause is still unknown. That is why I am sharing it here so others may shed light on it if they have ideas. And to try to wake up Apple's quality and UX teams before loyal users start seeing Apple as just another vendor to choose from, not a company we identified proudly with the quality products and consistent high quality user experience of. 

What have been your bad user experiences with devices, products or services?

Monday, November 02, 2015

Dark Justice & Death In The Air - IMRAN™

I ❤️ #flying and I hate #terrorism, especially attacks targeting passenger airliners. But #Russia shot down a #Japan Airlines jumbo jet and its thuggish agents in #Ukraine shot down a #Malaysia Airlines passenger plane on the same airway I had flown just 2 days before the state terror attack by Russia. But there would be a certain dark justice if it was a missile that hit their plane that blew up over #Egypt. I suspect #ISIS.but it’s not known yet. But that’s still bad news for all airlines and innocent fliers around the world. 

Photo credit unknown to me.