Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Dog's Life: Dogs In Rearview Mirrors Are Closer (To Our Hearts) Than They Appear - IMRAN™


A Dog's Life: Dogs In Rearview Mirrors Are Closer (To Our Hearts) Than They Appear - IMRAN™

Kennedy, my precious German Shepherd Dog, taught me so much about life. 

We all have to face the last sunset of our lives one day. We can only hope to learn from our dogs. To remain stoic and brave, to retain our dignity and smile, and be grateful for all the adventures on the roads of life we shared. 

No matter how far back in the rearview mirrors of cars or memories of life our precious dogs seem, they are forever closer to our hearts than they appear, even when they are gone. 

© 2024 IMRAN™

#2024, #ApolloBeach, #bravery, #cars, #dogs, #driving, #farewell, #Florida, #GermanShepherdDog, #GSD, #IMRAN, #Inspiration, #Kennedy, #lifelessons, #philosophy, #tragedy

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