Monday, June 10, 2024

Tiara Condo Singer Island Former Florida Second Home Visit After 8 Years, 12 Years Ago - IMRAN™

Tiara Condo Singer Island Former Florida Second Home Visit After 8 Years, 12 Years Ago - IMRAN™

In my 35 years of American life, I have been blessed to have lived in Florida in parallel for about 20 of those years. My first "second home" in Florida was at this incredible building called Tiara Condo on the Atlantic Ocean, on Singer Island. I purchased it in 2003.

My condo was just a few floors below the rooftop spaceship like circular wraparound private restaurant and club. I sold it in 2004 and left early morning July 4th, 2004. I drove to Atlanta to be on CNN live that afternoon. And then drove on back to my New York home. 

Soon after I sold, the Tiara was devastated by two separate hurricanes. A lot of people lost everything they had in those incidents. It took years to rebuild. But I was living and working in Miami in those years. 

Eight years after I sold, I was blessed to be looking to buy another second-home. During that 2012 two-three months of driving every mile of Florida coastline, looking at possible places.

Obviously, my beloved Tiara condo was one of the places on that list. So, I was back there looking at mine, and other, condos. I also stuck around until dusk to experience that magic I loved at the start of this century. 

I made this short video of the building, from the wide beach outside it. The magical Atlantic Ocean colors were still visible in the near-dark conditions. The pink clouds above were beautiful. Ironically, you can see the lights on in the condo I so loved.

Much that I loved the place and that feeling, the seller's asking price of $650,000 for a 2-bedroom condo did not make sense to me. So, I left one more time. Maybe I will return another day.

A dozen years after my visit, and a full 20 years after I sold my condo, I am sharing these magical memories and story. I hope you find it touching and inspiring. 

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