Winning Oscar Went To The Whale's Head? - IMRAN™ Kidding aside, I am so glad that this sailing couple were rescued. But the timing of this with a movie called The Whale winning an Oscar was too much to pass up a tongue in cheek comment. Maybe The Whale winning an Oscar went to the whale's head. Now imagine THIS news story being made into a movie in a few years.... The (Other) Whale? © 2023 IMRAN™ #Boating, #fishing, #humor, #IMRAN, #ImranAnwar, #iPhone, #mariner, #Meme, #moviereferences, #news, #Ocean, #sailing, #survival, #whales. #TheWhaleMovie, #AcademyAwards, #Oscar Washington PostWinning Oscar Went To The Whale's Head? - IMRAN™ Kidding aside, I am so glad that this sailing couple were rescued. But the timing of this with a movie called The Whale winning an Oscar was too much to pass up a tongue in cheek comment. Maybe The Whale winning an Oscar went to the whale's head. Now imagine THIS news story being made into a movie in a few years.... The (Other) Whale? © 2023 IMRAN™ #Boating, #fishing, #humor, #IMRAN, #ImranAnwar, #iPhone, #mariner, #Meme, #moviereferences, #news, #Ocean, #sailing, #survival, #whales. #TheWhaleMovie, #AcademyAwards, #Oscar Washington Post
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