I recently saw a good post on Medium about a poster that author saw on the FaceBook campus… “Ruthless Prioritization”.
That is a great topic of extraordinary significance to me. I have countless ideas. I even get started on dozens.
Yet, my actual productivity, not just output, but effective productivity that gets things done, that brings goals closer to reality, can often be drowned in my desire to organize, prioritize and optimize my tools rather than in doing what needs to get done.
Cal it procrastination, call is avoidance, call it laziness, call it stupidity, but the end result is the same…
Dreams remain dreams, and things do not get done until months later, when I kick myself seeing how easily I could have done them way back when.
One simple rule I am still trying to teach myself is….
Prioritize DOING SOMETHING (Anything!) Over PRIORITIZING!!
It is too easy to become OCD about prioritizing types of things important to us, then prioritizing projects within those, then tasks within those.
I find the ONLY days I get ANYTHING done is when I pick up and DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and literally get on a roll of getting things done.
Otherwise, I have spent one-third of my productive life investigating and evaluating tools, one-third installing and optimizing them, and one-third prioritizing things in them… leaving a big fat 0.0% of my time to DO *anything* out of what I need to achieve.
That is still one of the single biggest weaknesses I have…
One of these days I will prioritize my list of weaknesses, to see which ones to find and evaluate tools to overcome next. [wink].
What do you think? Do you have this problem? How do you overcome it?