Sunday, October 25, 2020

Mind-Blowing Tampa Bay Sunset & Florida Dusk With Stars Moving Across The Sky (60-Seconds Music Video) - IMRAN™

Mind-Blowing Tampa Bay Sunset & Florida Dusk With Stars Moving Across The Sky (60-Seconds Music Video) - IMRAN™
Enjoy the mind-blowing 1-minute music video, showing 2 hours of sunset, dusk, and stars rotating above, as the world turns. Boats, jet skis, airplanes, satellites, clouds, birds, and even dragonflies fly by. Literally all in 60 seconds. Play with sound, ideally on a big screen. Replay to see so much going on it is hard to catch in one viewing. Like, Love, Comment, Share and understand why I bow my head in gratitude. 

© 2020 IMRAN™

#ApolloBeach, #blessings, #Boating, #cloudporn, #D850, #Florida, #God, #gratitude, #IMRAN, #ImranAnwar, #Lifestyle, #Maghreb, #MusicVideo, #Nature, #Nikon, #prayers, #SaintPetersburg, #seaside, #skyline, #Stars, #Sunset, #Tampa, #TampaBay, #timelapse

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