Monday, October 26, 2020

Where The Heck Is Hope Hicks? - IMRAN™


Where The Heck Is Hope Hicks? - IMRAN™
Unless Trump somehow got Hope Hicks pregnant and has sent her into hiding, am I somehow missing any mention of her in the news? It was almost a month ago that she tested positive for... something. And since then, no news of her recovering, working from quarantine, being in a coma, or pregnant with orange demon sperm.
Wishing all the traitor-enabling sycophants ill does not mean wishing them dead. But it would be interesting to see if someone that close to Dr. Death Drumpf croaked from the 'hoax' virus that was going from 15 cases to zero as he claimed in February. Now the MilkMan Pence is going to take the fall as the head of the coronavirus task force has 5 people in his circle test positive with the disease.
What pre-existing condition would Trump accuse Hope Hicks of having... treasonitis? Sycophancilitis? Syphillis?

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#Trump #MAGA2020 #TraitorTrump #HopeHicks #COVID19 #commentary #IMHO

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