Tuesday, August 11, 2020

1 Minute Atlantic Ocean Addiction Fix At Fort Lauderdale Florida - IMRAN™

1 Minute Atlantic Ocean Addiction Fix At Fort Lauderdale Florida - IMRAN™
In less than a minute, you can enjoy the beautiful colors that make any ocean, particularly the Atlantic Ocean, especially in Florida, such a powerful and emotive experience. Handheld Nikon D850 DSLR video shot from my 10th-floor hotel room across a wide expanse of sand, roads, and hotel front space, but you can see the footprints in the sand!

© 2020 IMRAN™ 

#AtlanticOcean, #Boating, #D850, #Florida, #FortLauderdale, #IMRAN, #ImranAnwar, #Lifestyle, #Nature, #Nikon, #seaside, #beach, #blueocean, #bluewater

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