"World's Most Powerful Medium!"
Yes, better believe it, it still is.
You get, as I tagged the post, "#media #news #entertainment #opinion #history #music #comedy #politics #sports #weather" all in one 'box'!
How many heads of state, or sports champions, or politicians, or businessmen, refuse to be interviewed for TV and say, "No, no TV interviews, tweet me or ask me on FaceBook." ?
Much that many of us complain about how TV quality sucks these days, very few spend hours daily watching TV reruns from the 'good old days'. If anything, more and more global citizens are now getting and experiencing the power of television.
Its influence will get even greater as even greater network bandwidth and Internet technology takes global TV to every corner where traditional TV antenna broadcasts could not reach.
And, news flash for those who claim that TV is dead. When you watch video programming, dramas, sports, music, and entertainment on your iPad or smartphone, you are still watching 'television' programming, even if you are not sitting in front of a television set.
Just because the shape and size of the screen change, it does not mean the medium has died.
Stay tuned... television imagery may become holographic or directly tuned into our heads one day in the future, but TV is here to stay. In many ways, it is up to the television industry on how much of the best is still to come.
What do you think?
Imran Anwar
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