Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Dealing With Nasty Criminals Like The German Los Angeles Arsonist & His Disgusting Mother

There was an LA Times news story about a German arsonist living in Los Angeles who started about 50 fires, causing untold damage, and endangered countless lives, because his ugly, criminal, possibly-a-prostitute, mother was being deported to Germany. I would love to have your thoughts on the interesting discussion which ensued, after I posted saying:

Imran Anwar · CEO and Founder at ICloud.PK

If she knew he was mentally ill, why did the stupid criminal b&^ch not have him committed?
Reply ·  4 · Unlike · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago

  • Janet Margrave ·  Top Commenter

    not that simple any more. the streets are filled with people who have mental illnesses. the states aren't interested in providing care. budget cuts affect the old, poor and mentally ill.
    Reply ·  7 · Like · about an hour ago

  • Imran Anwar · CEO and Founder at ICloud.PK

    Janet Margrave I understand. But, then people who later claim mental illness for serious crime perpetrators should be able to show proof they tried to have the person committed as a danger to society. Then, the state, or whoever set them free, should be liable for the damage they do.
    Reply ·  4 · Unlike · about an hour ago

  • Paul Birmele ·  Top Commenter · Santa Monica College

    Imran Anwar And who is supposed to pay for that? The state is broke. The feds are broke. And guess what gets cut FIRST: Mental health support. The justice system is FULL of people who should have been put in a mental institution long before they committed a crime, but there aren't any. Talk to any sheriffs deputy or jail guard. They will agree.
    Reply · Like · 45 minutes ago

  • Imran Anwar · CEO and Founder at ICloud.PK

    Paul Birmele , and who pays for THAT? The cops, the courts, the jails, the food, the upkeep, etc? We all end up paying that, ON TOP of the cost of the damage criminals do to lives and property. Almost all of whom claim some sort of insanity when that is the only way out of prison time. My proposal, seriously, is to outsource prisons…. abroad. Mexico, Pakistan, India…. then see how many people want to go to jail.
    Reply · 1 · Unlike · 41 minutes ago

  • Paul Birmele ·  Top Commenter · Santa Monica College

    Imran Anwar Imran Anwar They already outsource prisons. They already privatized. 264 of them in the US are private. Has it made it cheaper? no. Scarier.

    I think its nice that you suggest he not have any civil rights. I assume you are a native american and have lived here for thousands of years, but the rest of us and our ancestors came to America to live a free life, with civil liberties. Saying he should lose his is stupid.

    Case in point: Some people believe in profiling at airports. This is something YOU should know about. That would mean any time YOU were in a public place the cops would search your whole body. Why? Because you aren't blonde and blue eyed. But they aren't supposed to. Why? Because in America we have civil liberties.

    Reply · Like · 29 minutes ago

  • Barbara Stevens ·  Top Commenter · San Diego, California

    Janet Margrave Neither of these two people should be here. WHY aren't they sent back to Germany? why are they allowed to stay here?
    Reply · 1 · Unlike · 29 minutes ago

  • Dick Brandlon ·  Top Commenter · Teacher/ Student Teacher Supervisor at Retired Teacher

    Imran Anwar Can you envision people paying taxes for this?
    Reply · 1 · Unlike · 28 minutes ago

  • Imran Anwar · CEO and Founder at ICloud.PK

    Paul Birmele , I have news for you. I AM profiled when I am at the airport. But, no one strips me down… maybe if the TSA officer was a pretty blue eyed blonde I would not complain. LOL. But, seriously, in addition to that profiling, the dirtbag Mayor Bloomberg of NY was working closely with the CIA or others to spy on MULIMS (not some suspicious individuals). Did you do something about that to complain? NY Daily News, the rag from NYC, wrote editorials defending profiling Muslims… wonder if they'd write the same if cops used profiling to catch expensive car thieves in certain uptown parts of NYC. Bigots like LOWE'S management can express their hate for Muslims and get away with it without any of my fellow Americans stopping shopping there.

    BUT, hate is not against the law, crime is. This dirtbag's fat ugly b*&ch mother was illegally here, committed crimes in her own country, apparently ran a sensual massage service (with her son? who knows), and he hated America, committed serious crimes, and should be thrown in the slammer forever (or maximum sentence possible if that is not possible) after a trial. Sorry, but what part of that is taking away his civil rights?

    The only good news in all this was this scumbag was not a Muslim. LOL. In that case, he'd be charged with terrorism. Sad, but true. LOL
    Reply · Like · 17 minutes ago

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