Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Munna. Mini Me, Imran 1964 - by Anwaruddin (1932-2008)

My late beloved Father, Anwaruddin (1932-2008), took this photo of me in Montgomery (now Sahiwal), Pakistan, for my birthday in 1964. Having only a 2" print, I scanned it in to post today, on my birthday.

Munna is a popular nickname for "little boy" in Urdu, and that is what I was called as the Mini-Me you see above.

My beloved Mother put those shades on me, not just to be cool :-) but because just a few days earlier I had fallen on broken glass and nearly lost my left eye. You can see the hair shaved off above the wound area to keep it from falling in my eye or irritating the area. The stiches' scar is still listed as my major identification mark in travel documents.

This one's dedicated to you Abu. Your passion for appreciating beauty and photography I will carry with me to the end of my travel through this life.

© 1964 Anwaruddin
© 2010 Imran Anwar

Taken May 23, 1964 with an Argus 35mm on Agfa B/W Film, scanned May 23, 2010.

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