Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Symphony Isles Holiday Lights DriveBy 3X Music Video - IMRAN™

Symphony Isles Holiday Lights DriveBy 3X Music Video - IMRAN™

I am blessed to live in Symphony Isles, a popular neighborhood in Apollo Beach, Florida. Every year the board and various committees, plus individual homeowners, do a great job of holiday decorations.

One night every year the guards open the main gates to the town and all are welcome to drive by to enjoy the lights. Even without any traffic it took me 30-minutes of driving to go past every home.

Enjoy this 3X accelerated hyper-lapse of the drive. If I made it faster, e.g. 400%, then the lights pass by too fast. Even at 3X speed it is easy to miss the detail. But if I did not speed it up, few would have the time to watch the whole thing. So, hopefully this is an optimal balance of speed and duration.

I had wanted to compose an original soundtrack to go with the video but then it may not get done for a long time. So I used one of my existing music tracks, actually one I created for drone flight at Old Inn at Little Harbor about 4 year ago. "Big Sky At Little Harbor" is the tune, and the video is pretty awesome. You will love that too.

Meanwhile, come along for a "high speed" drive (without breaking 20 mph speed limits!) with me and enjoy the sights and lights.

© 2021 IMRAN™

#Florida #TampBay #ApolloBeach #IMRAN #Christmas #holidays #neighborhood #driving #MercedesBenz #lifestyle #musicvideo #hyperlapse #iPhone13ProMax #Apple #DJI

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