Monday, February 28, 2011

Lava Sky On Fire, Birds - IMRAN™

In late chilly fall,
Falls early night.
My eyes rise,
To fiery skies,
Of legend & lore,
Making spirit soar.
Heeding my call,
Birds take flight.

© 2010-2011 IMRAN

PS Forgive me, friends, 18 hours days and nonstop work travel is making me remiss in leaving comments but I do view your photos on iPhone on the road, just hard to leave comments. Thanks for your continued visits.

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Budding Gen(i)us - IMRAN™

Budding Gen(i)us - IMRAN™, originally uploaded by ImranAnwar.

Though I do not know the name of this flower bud's genus, I just know that the soft , luscious, suggestively inviting textures of pink on it could make any budding genius rise to the occassion - of taking a stunning, unedited, image as this came out. The silky wall of pink of an already blooming flower and the bokeh with green higlights in sharp and soft relief completed the effect.

Can you see what turned the camera on so much?

© 2010-2011 IMRAN

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