Seema Kalia wants volunteers who want to answer my 6 yr olds Q's on any of the following: Evolution, War, God's absence in the face of poverty and Civil Rights. Anyone?
35 seconds ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 10:51pm November 12
I can't answer but can tell you who can best answer:
Evolution: Sarah Palin
War: George W. Bush
God's absence in the face of poverty: Prada wearing Pope
Civil Rights: Any millionaire basketball player.
Hope that helps.
Ziana Bethune is thanking God for the wisdom to accept that which she cannot change, and the power to change that which she can...and for the gift of great friends.
15 minutes ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 10:52pm November 12
God said "You're welcome." According to George Bush, coz God doesn't call me directly.
Ninelle Efremova is excited to see a sky completely covered in stars. prettttyyy.
42 minutes ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 10:54pm November 12
A full moon here was making stars less visible but a short while ago I was enjoying looking at Orion's Belt. Good thing stars are not like men, or that waist would be expanding. Wait a second, the universe is expanding. Does that mean Orion's belt and waist are also expanding. OK, I give up. Back to seeing stars. LOL
Malcolm Lawrence Begich leads Stevens by 3 votes with 10,000 ballots to be counted.
about an hour ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 9:37pm November 12
WOW. That's close. Can't believe Alaskans want a crook to keep representing them. Explains a lot
Malcolm Lawrence So satisfying to see "free marketers" try to fix YOUR mess with socialistic remedies before "socialist" Obama even starts his term. D'oh!
about an hour ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 9:37pm November 12
Yes, and making it worse by mucking up even the bailout. Is there a bailout possible for bailouts?
Steven Alexander : Can President-Elect Obama govern the way he Campaigned?
about an hour ago - 5 Comments
Imran Anwar at 9:38pm November 12
I just saw in my Inbox but didn't read yet an article (summary appeared to be suggesting he ran a No Drama campaign but to get people to do their best he may want to mix things up.)
Jose Outtellect Guzman III at 9:40pm November 12
Obama will do whatever illuminati tells him to.
Steven Alexander at 9:43pm November 12
Jose Outtellect Guzman III at 9:48pm November 12
Illuminati it's in the dictionary. Small group of wealthy individuals. Who own all the land, oil, gold, knowledge, information, corporations, media,resources, etc. Your rockefellers, buffets, murdochs,gates, etc.
Imran Anwar at 9:49pm November 12
I think supporters of current "administration" and Bush and Palin-2012 want dark forces (like Cheney), voices in the President's head (preferably Jesus now starts calling next Republican instead of Bush), and obliterati (bomb anyone to divert attention from domestic issues).
Miles O'Brien On the US-285 btwn Roswell and Albiquirky. Road flat and straight speedometer reads 90. Cell service spotty. Stars about to emerge.
2 hours ago - 8 Comments
Lisa Farrell at 8:45pm November 12
are you texting while driving 90?
Show 6 more comments...
Imran Anwar at 9:40pm November 12
Be careful, if you see large shiny object hovering in the sky - it may be Sarah Palin's halo.
Stephanie Green is disturbingly disorganized, and thinks Melissa Ethridge is a bad-ass. Power to the gays!
2 hours ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 9:40pm November 12
Maybe she has a constant craving to be organized. LOL
Harry McCracken Four words: WebEx on a Phone:
2 hours ago - 1 Comment
Imran Anwar at 9:43pm November 12
Even better, 2 words - "WebEx iPhone" LOL
Malcolm Lawrence Gee, Detroit, maybe its time to start making Green cars and finally dealing with your labor costs mess. Immediately. Come on, get crackin'!
6 hours ago - Comment
Imran Anwar at 11:09pm November 12
Not until they get rid of the cancer of unions (which enable people barely qualified to flip burgers to make $100K) they can't be saved and I don't want my tax money going to bail them out.
Imran nytimesbusiness reports Glass Makers Fined $1.6 Billion for Price Fixing. High fine breaks glass ceiling? Glass half empty now? Cracks me up.via Twitter - 5:24pm - 5 Comments
Ziana Bethune at 5:47pm November 12
ROFLMAO! Cracks you up, Imran? Oh, God...maybe I'm twisted but I love your puns. lol!
Imran Anwar at 8:22pm November 12
Thanks, Ziana. It's CLEAR to me that you can SEE THROUGH my humor. LOL. Of course, I enjoy your POURING on the compliments into my JUG sized ears - hopefully without my getting GLASSY-EYED. I know you are TWISTED. But, are you twisted enough to want to be the PRETZEL that a certain President choked on? LOL.
Ziana Bethune at 8:55pm November 12
ROFLMAO! Uh...maybe I'm twisted enough to be the President that the pretzel fell prey to. lol. :) If you're nuts enough to prey to pretzels, that is. *Groan.*
Seema Kalia at 10:17pm November 12
GAWD. This is so transparent.
Imran Anwar at 10:48pm November 12
I can see clearly now.
From Frank:
re: Redistribution of wealth in simple terms
Give it some SERIOUS thought! Not far off.
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with
a sign that read 'Vote Obama, I need the money.' I laughed.
Once in the restaurant my server had on a 'Obama 08' tie,
again I laughed as he had given away his political
preference--just imagine the coincidence.
When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and
explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution
of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him
that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who
I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The
server angrily stormed from my sight.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to
thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the
money more. The homeless guy was grateful.
At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I
realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not
earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money
he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in
concept than in practical application.
Imran Anwar
November 4 at 1:14am
Frank, I am no Democrat, supported McCain in 2000 and proudly voted Obama in 2008. I am hoping my fellow Americans will vote to make history tomorrow. McCain's already history unless my countrymen are racist at heart and give false info to pollsters.
Frank Profeta
November 4 at 10:29am
There is much more at stake than the Presidency, don't forget about the supreme court, appx 2-3 justices. I just woke up, I'm our in Phoenix for another week. Weather is great out here.
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Imran Anwar
November 4 at 6:04pm
Like anyone could get bigger crooked judges like Roberts that Bush shoved in there. Enjoy Phoenix. My condolences (I hope ;-) ) to McCain. Weather cloudy in DC. I'll be here another couple of days.
Be safe.
Imran Anwar
November 5 at 1:50am
I'm glad the rednecks racists bigots Bush lovers were defeated by great Americans. Looking forward to people staying engaged in politics and elections n throwing Dems out if they do bad things.
Bush now officially the used toilet paper of American history.
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Frank Profeta
November 5 at 8:55am
I wouldn't call McCain supporters, "rednecks racists bigots Bush lovers," we are all great Americans and participated in a very intense campaign for many months. This kind of talk is what divides America, not unites America. You might want to reconsider your comments.
Imran Anwar
November 5 at 12:35pm
Hahaha, Frank. Really - now as losers even the bigots and racists and other regular Republicans like you yourself are all great Americans but your beloved Sarah Palin said Obama supporters were not real Americans or America loving. LOL