Monday, October 14, 2024

On Quantum Realities, Parallel Universes, Alternate Facts, And MTG's Hurricane-Controlling "They"s - IMRAN™

 On Quantum Realities, Parallel Universes, Alternate Facts, And MTG's Hurricane-Controlling "They"s - IMRAN™

Oh great. After the chaotic 2016-2020 period of alternate-facts (actual lies), crowd sizes, real fake-news presented as truths, and misinformation becoming the norm, here's something crazy-exciting for scientists which I am sure will give real-crazy conspiracy-theorists (who never touched a book on real theory of science) so much more to be fed by the enemy-funded QAnons of the world. Phew, that was one long sentence. 

**Physicists reveal nonlinear transport induced by quantum geometry in planar alter-magnets** according to an article in . 

It is quite easy to understand... "Recently, two experiments have confirmed the predicted role of quantum geometry in the second-order response of the conventional PT-symmetric anti-ferromagnets. In these materials, due to the combination of parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetries, the Berry curvature (the imaginary component of quantum geometric tensor) vanishes, and it is shown that the second-order response is governed by the quantum metric (the real component of quantum geometric tensor)." 

Just kidding about it being easy to understand. But honestly it is fascinating stuff to geek out on from both logic, science, physics and engineering implications, and so many other angles.

Basically, if two entangled photons in an indeterminate state are measured by someone in a room -- but only 'observed' by someone outside the room -- the photon measured in the room will change to take on one particular state, ... but to the outside observer it will still appear to be in the indeterminate state as it was previously. 

As an analogy I am using just to get a better layperson handle on it myself.... Let's say I am in the room with two twins walking around one chair. If I "measure" one he will sit down in the chair.... But if YOU are just "watching" from outside the room through a window,  you will still see HIM, that same twin I saw SIT down, still appear to be walking around the chair with the other twin. That means the one twin would be existing in two "realities". 

Obviously, this is MY initial analogy at first reading of the article at 1 AM on Monday after dealing with two hurricanes in two weeks. So, I am sure it can be explained much better. Love to have someone smarter about quantum mechanics add more analogies in reply comments.

But next time, when there are two hurricanes, can we please make sure I can be in the reality where neither of them "sits" or lands anywhere near me or my family and our homes?

Maybe modern day non-Einstein and anti-magnetic personality Marjorie Taylor Greene can ensure it -- when her imaginary "they" control the weather to create future hurricanes. LOL

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