Friday, May 31, 2024

WWW: Wit Wisdom Wordplay - Memerable™ (Memorable Memes & Retorts) - IMRAN™ I coined and copyrighted the term Memerable... for Memorable Memes and retorts to memes like the one below. © 2023-2024 IMRAN™ #NewWord #language #humor #wit #retort #memes #wisdom #wordplay #creative #IMRANWWW: Wit Wisdom Wordplay - Memerable™ (Memorable Memes & Retorts) - IMRAN™ I coined and copyrighted the term Memerable... for Memorable Memes and retorts to memes like the one below. © 2023-2024 IMRAN™ #NewWord #language #humor #wit #retort #memes #wisdom #wordplay #creative #IMRAN


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